A Guide to Common Recovery and Addiction Terms

  • Publicación de la entrada:noviembre 11, 2024
  • Categoría de la entrada:Sober living

Although this is common within addiction, it is often seen in psychiatric conditions such as OCD. When focusing on recovery, the most effective programs do not encourage “moderation.” For most addicts, using in moderation is not something that they are capable of. This is why abstinence, refraining from using any substances at all, is key to maintaining sobriety. Often emphasized in recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), unity refers to the fellowship and support among individuals seeking recovery. Secular Organizations for Sobriety, a nonprofit of autonomous, non-professional local groups aimed to help individuals achieve and maintain abstinence or sobriety from alcohol, drugs, food, etc. Sex Addicts Anonymous, a 12-step program for those seeking recovery from sex addiction.

What is dependence?

In addiction recovery, addressing the underlying trauma is of paramount importance as it directly impacts both the process and the outcomes. Research indicates a substantial correlation between past traumatic experiences and the development of substance use disorders. This article delves into the critical connections between trauma and addiction, and the crucial role trauma-informed care plays in promoting effective recovery. It is a partial agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain as opioids but produces a lesser effect. Buprenorphine helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals to focus on their recovery. It is typically prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment program that includes counseling and support services 4.

addiction recovery terms

The Power of Education in Breaking Stigma

A drug class is a group of substances that while not identical, share certain similarities such as chemical structure, elicited effects, or intended usage. A dollar amount that an insured patient is expected to pay at the time of service. Ongoing care of patients suffering from chronic incapacitating illness or disease. The intimidation of a victim to compel the individual to act against his or her will by the use of psychological pressure, physical force, or threats.

Depending on an individual’s plan, expenses incurred by services provided by out-of-plan health care professionals may not be covered or may be only partially covered. The group of physicians, hospitals and other medical care professionals that a managed care plan has contracted with to deliver medical and/or behavioral health services to its members. (stigma alert) A slang term used to reference withdrawal symptoms from opioids, such as heroin. A severe form of alcohol withdrawal involving sudden & severe mental or nervous system changes resulting in varying degrees of severe mental confusion and hallucinations. Onset typically occurs 24 hours or longer following cessation of alcohol. It is often preceded by physiological tremulousness and sweating following acute cessation in severely alcohol addicted individuals.

It’s important to understand that relapse does not signify failure, but rather indicates the need for additional help and treatment. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process that requires ongoing commitment and support. Treating people with a dual-diagnosis for both disorders at the same time was a breakthrough in the therapeutic process, and contributes to higher rates of long-term recovery as untreated mental health issues can drive addiction.

Sober Recovery Expert Author

Well, an addiction is actually a disease, which causes individuals to consume substances, despite the negative consequences. These consequences range from health issues to financial loss to broken relationships to jail time. SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a support group that provides tools and support for individuals seeking to overcome addiction to substances sober house or behaviors. The program is grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and focuses on self-empowerment and self-reliance.


  • A substance that interferes with or inhibits the physiological action of another (e.g. blocking the effects of illicit substances).
  • The number needed to treat (NNT) is the average number of people who need to be treated to achieve one additional good outcome.
  • Signs include mood swings, avoiding responsibilities, secrecy, or physical symptoms like fatigue or withdrawal.
  • EFT therapy – EFT Tapping therapy is a treatment you can learn from a practitioner that can help to reduce stress levels and anxiety.

Unresolved trauma often manifests as emotional pain, leading individuals to use substances as a form of self-medication. In this context, the severity of trauma directly correlates with the risk of developing substance use disorders, with chronic traumas—such as domestic violence—heightening addiction vulnerability. A clinical approach that helps people with mental health and substance use disorders and other chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and asthma make positive behavioral changes to support better health. The approach upholds four principles— expressing empathy and avoiding arguing, developing discrepancy, rolling with resistance, and supporting self-efficacy (client’s belief s/he can successfully make a change). In the 12 Step programs addicts and alcoholics mark their sobriety or clean date from the day of last use. From there the addict continues to count days and then years to mark time.

High bottom recovery refers to the addict or alcoholic who enters recovery after having a breakthrough awareness before losing everything of value in their life. Addiction is known as a family disease and as a result, many addiction treatment facilities will offer a family program to address the dysfunction within the family structure, issues of enabling, codependency and other addictions. In the 12 Step rooms of recovery, there is a rule against what is known as crosstalk. The meetings are based upon the principle that each individual can share in total safety without others interrupting or responding directly to what is being shared. Any response is to be in the form of identification and personal experience. Intensive outpatient programs are relatively less time-demanding (compared with PHPs) but still provide a good deal of support (3–7 days of treatment per week in 3-hour blocks).

Chronic repeated use of opioids can lead to tolerance, physical dependence and addiction. A common recovery pathway in which remission from substance use disorder is achieved without the support or services of professional or non-professional intervention. Born out of the ideology and structure of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous is an international fellowship for individuals with problematic drug use. NA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical organization that is open to all ages, offering meetings in over 100 countries. NA is a 12-step program that revolves around its main text, known as the Basic Text. Reoccurring dreams that occur during the recovery process from substance use disorder that concern depictions of substance use, often vivid in nature, and frequently involving a relapse scenario.

The abuse of a chemical or substance (pills, heroin, crystal meth etc) to the extent that it interferes substantially in https://www.inkl.com/news/sober-house-rules-a-comprehensive-overview emotional, social or occupational functioning. If you’re hungry for more (and after this feast of information, who wouldn’t be?), there are plenty of resources out there to continue your addiction terminology education. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are great places to start. Once vilified as a “gateway drug,” cannabis is now recognized for its potential medical uses, but it’s not without its risks. It’s like the misunderstood teenager of the drug world – complicated, often misjudged, and still figuring itself out.

Mindful Drinking

  • An essential aspect of this care model is its emphasis on empowerment, which allows individuals to regain control over their lives and recovery journeys.
  • Cravings are intense desires to use a substance, while triggers are the people, places, things, or emotions that set off those cravings.
  • Choosing the right support group or program is a personal decision, and it may take some trial and error to find the right fit.
  • Introducing therapies that prioritize safety, trust, and empowerment, individuals are provided with the tools needed for genuine healing and sustainable recovery.
  • Platforms are flooded with people openly discussing their recovery journeys, creating spaces where vulnerability is celebrated instead of shamed.

This is another method for removing alcohol to create non-alcoholic wine or beer; it aims to remove alcohol while retaining all the flavor. A self-regulation tool deriving from DBT; the acronym stands for (treating) Physical illness, eating, (avoiding) mood-altering substances, (getting) sleep, and exercise. An emotion regulation tool deriving from DBT that focuses on changing behavior to change how you feel.

Harm reduction involves attempts to cut down on substance use, or to only cease the use of a particularly troubling substance. For instance, a harm reductionist may stop using crystal meth but continue to engage in binge drinking. An intensive treatment program that is offered in a treatment facility with a clinical or hospital-like environment. Otherwise known as residential treatment programs, these usually last from one to three months and focus on helping patients achieve medical stability and establish a good foundation for their recovery process. Recovery Connection is dedicated to providing its readers with as much information as possible about addiction, treatment and recovery.

addiction recovery terms

A person has a substance use disorder when they have become physically dependent on drugs or alcohol and need to keep using to feel normal, even while their quality of life and ability to function may be falling apart. Below you can find more information about common alcohol and drug addiction terms. While these definitions are not meant to provide medical advice, diagnose addiction, or promote drug use, they can offer more information for those struggling with addiction and their loved ones.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, a 12-step program for those seeking recovery from food addiction. Emotions Anonymous, a 12-step program for those seeking recovery from mental and emotional illness. Approach to recovery that defines substance use disorder as a health condition affecting both body and mind.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a widely used and evidence-based psychotherapy approach focusing on connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is rooted in the idea that our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world can influence our emotions and behaviors. Avenues Recovery is a community-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation center with locations across the United States. Nar-Anon is a branch of NA that focuses primarily on the family members and friends of those who struggle with substances other than alcohol. The following terms are used to describe different types of treatments available for substance addictions. External or internal cues that cause a person in recovery to crave drugs and perhaps even relapse.